Extenuating Circumstances

Life happens. We get it. You can’t perform at your best all the time, and this is especially true if something unexpected has happened which has affected your ability to study for any upcoming assessments. The University defines extenuating circumstances as ‘significant personal difficulties’ that may impact a student’s assessment. These circumstances are usually beyond your control and include but are not limited to: bereavement, issues with your physical or mental health, or any unexpected accidents. You will be required to produce evidence for any extenuating circumstances.
What is not accepted as grounds for extenuating circumstances?
- Long-term health condition or specific learning need for which you are already receiving reasonable or appropriate adjustments (you would need to explain and provide evidence if there has been a deterioration in your condition which has led to you seeking extenuating circumstances);
- Personal computer or printer problems;
- No back-up of electronic documents;
- Issues with time management;
- Traffic delays causing late arrival for an exam;
- Not being aware of the dates or times of submission or an exam;
- Personal or domestic events, such as moving house or attending a wedding;
- Holiday or travel arrangements;
- Financial issues;
- Routine consequences of paid employment;
- Late disclosure of circumstances on the basis that the student ‘felt unable/did not feel comfortable’ confiding in a member of staff about their extenuating circumstances.
How do I submit a claim for extenuating circumstances?
The application form can be found on OASIS. You’ll have to submit a short statement and include evidence to support your case, and confirm whether you’re applying for an extension (up to seven calandar working days), a deferral of an assignment until a later date, or intercalation (a break of up to 1 year from your studies usually granted in exceptional circumstances).
What type of extenuating circumstances request can you make?
- Extension: A request for an extension must be made at least 7 calendar days before your submission deadline. If your request is accepted, you will usually be given an additional 7 calendar days to submit your assignment.
- Deferral: Requests for deferrals and intercalation will be considered by the Extenuating Circumstances Panel. Requesting a deferral means that you are asking for your assignment or exam to be postponed until the next assessment period.
- Intercalation: This means taking some time out of your studies for up to a year. Requests to intercalate are only accepted in exceptional circumstances. If your request to intercalate has been accepted, then the start date of your intercalation is taken as the day you submitted your request.
If you are struggling or something has happened and you don't know who to talk to, what to do, or how this could affect your academic experience, then pop in and see us. We’ll explain the policy to you, and help you structure your claim with feedback.
Relevant links:
Contacting the Extenuating Circumstances Team
The contact number for the Extenuating Team is as follows: 01473338668.
If you need to get in touch with a member of the Extenuating Circumstances Team you can also email extcircs@uos.ac.uk or the phone number as above.
Extenuating Circumstances Policy (uos.ac.uk)