Support to Study

This procedure will apply to you where the University is trying to respond to or manage any concerns regarding your health or behaviour where it is thought that it is seriously impacting your ability to study and on any other people around you, such as other students on the course. The procedure is intended to be supportive and is in place to enable you to successfully complete your studies where possible.
It’s important to note that if you don’t engage with the procedure, it will continue in your absence. You are also encouraged to inform the University of any disability or health condition that might affect your ability to study or that might require support arrangements.
What does being 'fit to study' mean?
If a concern about your fitness to study has been raised with you, it means that the University thinks that your mental or physical health might be negatively affecting your ability to study and do well on your course. Concerns can be raised if there's evidence that your behaviour is posing a risk to you or others around you.
What happens if there is a concern about my 'fitness to study'?
1. The Informal Stage - The Dean of School will consult your personal tutor, course leader or the Head of Student Services and evaluate the risk to you and/or others. If they think that there is low risk, the concern will be resolved under stage 1. If it's high, it should proceed to stage 2 (the Fitness to Study Case Review Group).
Stage 1 involves the appointment of a Case Worker (usually a Student Support Adviser) who will arrange to meet with you discuss the concern that's been raised and any support arrangements you might need. They should set clear actions for the review period and meet with you again after 3 works.
Stage 2 will involve a meeting of the Case Review Group. You will be asked to submit a statement and any evidence. You might be asked to attend. The CRG will normally meet within 5 working days of the deadline by which you need to have submitted your statement. They will decide whether there is a need for additional intervention from the case worker or whether your case needs to be referred to the Fitness to Study Committee.
2) The Fitness to Study Committee - You'' be asked to attend the meeting of the Fitness to Study Committee and be given the option to invite witnesses. The Chair of the Committee is also able to call on any witnesses. You will receive the outcome within 5 working days of the FTSC, and can appeal to OSACC within 5 working days of the written confirmation of the committee’s decision if you aren't happy.
Relevent Links
Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA).
Fitness-to-Practise-Procedure.pdf (