Fitness To Practice

The Fitness to Practise procedure will apply to you if you are enrolled on one of the following courses, which leads to professional registration and/or a licence to practise:
- PGCE courses
- Adult, Mental Health and Child Nursing
- Midwifery and Shortened Midwifery
- Radiography
- Social Work
What does being fit to practise mean?
- You are displaying appropriate professional attitudes and a high standard of behaviour in practice (in accordance with relevant professional body requirements)
- You are suited to the profession in which you are entering
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) provide definitions of good health and good character in a professional context.
"Good health means that the student is capable of undertaking safe and effective practice. It may not be the student's health per se that renders them unfit to practise, but it may be their level or insights into their health condition and their ability to manage their health needs"
"Honesty, integrity and trustworthiness are the cornerstone of professional practice. Good character therefore will be based on how the student conducts themselves and behaves, within the academic arena as well as placement. But can also have implications for how they conduct themselves in their personal life. Consideration may be given to the level of insight a student can demonstrate if they or their family are service users (this particularly applies to Social Work students). An important aspect of professional practice is upholding the reputation of the profession. A person's character must be sufficiently good for them to be capable of safe and effective practice without the need for direct supervision".
The Fitness to Practise procedure is designed to prevent:
- Actions in placement that may potentially harm service users, other members of the public or service providers.
- Actions that are likely to constitute an unacceptable risk to yourself or others
What happens if a concern is raised about your Fitness to Practise?
- Initial consideration – The Dean of School will evaluate any risks posed and consult with your course leader if necessary. If they conclude that there is little or no risk, you will either be informally monitored or there will be no further action. If there is a moderate or major risk, you may be suspended from placement and/or academic study if appropriate. Any period of suspension will not imply that you are not fit to practise. It is only to protect you and safeguard clients whilst the investigation is carried out.
- Formal stage part 1 – You will be given 10 working days to submit a statement, and submit your own evidence. The Fitness to Practise Group will meet to consider whether there is a minor, moderate or major risk based on the documentary evidence provided to them. The meeting will take place normally around 5 working days after you have submitted your statement. If they decide there is little or no risk, you may be put on an action plan, or no further action will be required. If there is a moderate or major risk, an investigating officer will normally be appointed, who will remain impartial and conduct. They will normally write a report within 20 working days of the conclusion of their investigation. The FTPG will then decide based on the evidence provided if your case needs to progress to part 2 of the formal stage.
- Formal stage part 2 – At this stage, your case will be referred to the Fitness to Practise Committee. They will meet as soon as possible and will be provided with copies of all documentary evidence at least 10 working days beforehand (so will you). If you would like to, you can also submit a statement (with supporting evidence) to the Secretary at least 5 working days before the meeting, and all members of the committee will get a chance to read it. Witnesses can be called to present at the committee by both yourself and the Chair, and you will be sent a summons (invitation to attend) at least 3 working days before the committee is due to meet.
What happens at the Fitness to Practise Committee Meeting?
- The committee will meet privately just before you (and a friend) and the Chair of the FTPG are invited into the room to make your cases.
- You and both the Chair of the FTPG will take it in turns to call and ask witnesses any questions, present and summarise your case.
- The committee will resume a private discussion and make a decision via a majority vote.
- You will be contacted in writing within 5 working days of the meeting with the outcome.
How can SU Advice help me?
We will discuss your options with you and help you make contact with the university if you need any further information. We can be a helping hand in any meetings you're required to attend and help to clear up anything in the procedure that you're not sure about. Please remember that we're here to support you and that you are not alone.

What if I’m still not happy?
You will need to inform OSACC in writing within five working days of receiving the outcome if you intend to appeal the decision.
Fitness-to-Practise-Procedure.pdf (