
Your wellbeing is important to us! SU Advice understands that life at university can be stressful sometimes. Whether you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, or you feel that you are being bullied, you’re worried about your sexual health, or just need to say hello to a friendly face, YOUR SU is here to listen to you. We want YOUR student experience to be the absolute best it can be, so please don’t suffer in silence.
Mental Health
Whilst we can and will talk to you about your mental health, we’re not trained counsellors. But, if you want additional support for your mental health, then we can signpost you to other services.
If you’re struggling with your mental health or would like to develop some helpful strategies to help you deal with stressful periods in your University or home life, then the Student Services team at the University can help.
The team offer regular workshops on the following topics:
- Coping with stress
- Relaxation
- Self esteem
- Anxiety management
You can request to have a 1:1 appointment with a Disability and Wellbeing Adviser by contacting the following team here: studentlife@uos.ac.uk
Students at the UOS also have access to counselling and wellbeing support through the My Wellbeing Helpline (0800 028 3766) and Wisdom App, which offers guidance and support for health and mental wellbeing. You can access information about the above services through the following link to the relevant page on the UOS Student Hub:
Counselling Helpline and Wisdom App - Student Hub Student Life (uos.ac.uk)
Who to contact in a Mental Health crisis
If you’re on campus and need urgent help for either yourself or a friend, please contact Campus security on 01473 338999.
If you require immediate medical attention (either mentally or physically) or if you or anyone else around you is at risk of immediate harm, please call Emergency services on 999.
If you require non urgent medical advice, then call the NHS non-urgent helpline on 111.
The following contacts are useful if you need to talk to someone about how you’re feeling outside of normal office hours.
Samaritans Freephone - 116 123
Papyrus Hope line (young people up to age 35)
call 0800 068 4141 text 07786209697 email pat@papyrus-uk.org
If you think you might need Counselling, then the University provides a counselling service. You can access counselling services through the following links and contact details:
Counselling service | University of Suffolk (uos.ac.uk)
Ipswich Counselling Service: via the Student Life team or by emailing the Counselling Service Directly - Emma Youngs - Student Counsellor on e.youngs2@UOS.AC.UK
University of Suffolk at Great Yarmouth College: contact 01493 419290 or email.
University of Suffolk at West Suffolk College: contact 01284 701301 or email.
University of Suffolk at Lowestoft College: contact 01502 583521 or make an enquiry via the website.
University of Suffolk at Suffolk New College: contact our Student Support Team on 01473 382738 or support@suffolk.ac.uk
The counselling service is also available outside of term time.