Who is standing for election?


This page provides a list of all the candidates standing for election. For full details of manifestos for the candidates, please go to the following pages

Full time officers - SU Presidents

part time officers - liberation officers, widening access officers & school officers


Voting runs from 10am on Monday 10 March to 10am on Thursday 13 March.
If you have any questions, just drop us an email su.democracy@uos.ac.uk or pop into the SU Social Space to speak to a member of the team.


As President of Education, your role would be focused on tackling academic issues that students face, aiming to improve the educational experience students have whilst at UOS. You'd work closely with our School Officers and course reps to achieve this, ensuring that the latest student voice is being represented to the University.




PRESIDENT OF activities & Wellbeing Candidates

As President of Activities and Wellbeing, your role would be to support the development of student activities including sports and societies, and to campaign on issues related to wider student wellbeing for all students whilst at university. You'd work closely with sports and societies student groups, and with the team of Part Time Officers.




Part time officers


These elected officers carry out their roles whilst they are studying at the University of Suffolk. You'll also benefit from developing skills such as event management and public speaking, with support from the SU staff team and the sabbatical officers.


liberation officers

Liberation Officers are the voices of students within their Liberation groups, actively advocating for their perspectives, spearheading campaigns on pertinent issues, and coordinating events tailored to their needs. Serving as a Liberation Officer means not only representing your community but also actively participating in shaping the course of the Students' Union and student groups that may also strengthen and support Liberation campaigns. This involves a seat on both the Student Council and the Student Officer Committee, where you contribute to defining the priorities and the direction of the Students' Union.



No nominations were received for the following posts. Elections for these posts will run in the autumn. Please email su.democracy@uos.ac.uk if you are interested.

  • BAME Officer
  • LGBTQ+ Officer
  • Students’ with Disabilities Officer


Widening access officers

Widening Access Officers are advocates for students in their Widening Access groups, leading campaigns and organizing events that address their unique needs. Serving as a Widening Access Officer means being a part of both the Student Council and the Student Officer Committee, where you play a key role in shaping the Students' Union's priorities and direction to ensure that work is progressed to improve the experiences of Widening Access students at the University of Suffolk.


No nominations were received for the following posts. Elections for these posts will run in the autumn. Please email su.democracy@uos.ac.uk if you are interested.

  • Part-Time Students’ Officer


School officers

School Officers champion the academic concerns of students throughout their school, collaborating (Change to lead) closely with course representatives to address broader issues. In your role as a School Officer, you'll actively participate in both the Student Council and the Student Officer Committee, taking a leadership role in guiding the SU through these crucial meetings. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to shape the Course Rep Forum, working with the President of Education to liaise with course reps to pinpoint and identify University wide issues and how these should be approached. These roles also represent academic interests of students at the University senior committee, called Senate which oversees business across the University. School Officers also attend Student Voice Forums in their School with Course Reps, to raise positive feedback and to work with the academics to share issues and problem solve solutions to these.



No nominations were received for the following posts. Elections for these posts will run in the autumn. Please email su.democracy@uos.ac.uk if you are interested.

  • Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health Officer
  • Postgraduate Officer