Quiz and BBQ


£2.00 (Vegan Option)
£2.00 (Meat option)

Quiz and BBQ

Mon 23 September 2024 19:00-23:00

Mix Cafe + Bar, James Hehir Building, Neptune Quay, Suffolk IP3 0FS

Get ready for an unforgettable Freshers quiz night! It's the perfect opportunity to meet new friends, show off your trivia skills, and win some fun prizes. Teams can be up to 4 people, but don't worry if you don't have a team, our friendly Fresher Buddies will be there to help you connect with others and form your own squad. Bring your phones because the quiz will be fast-paced, testing not just your knowledge but your speed - who can be the quickest to answer correctly?

As you dive into the fun, enjoy a tasty BBQ with vegan and meat options of burgers, chips and salad.

And when the quiz wraps up, the night isn't over yet! Get ready to grab the mic for Karaoke - pick your favorite songs and get ready to sing your heart out.

Venue Information

  • Accessible venue
  • 3-minute walk from the Waterfront building
  • 1-minute walk from Athena Hall