Nominations for The Students' Union Awards 2021 open on Wednesday, 14th April and close on Wednesday, 28th April 2021.
We welcome nominations from all current University of Suffolk students, SU and UOS staff.
We will announce all shortlisted nominees on 12th May 2021.
The Awards Night 2021 will take place on 24th May 2021 (online).
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 24, 2021 07:00 PM London
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlfuurrTMpG9KiYYwEMEOfezF-m1Xn7ycM
- Hero of the Year (professional staff)
Sarah Tattersall
Amanda Tiller
Katie Tyrrell
Sarah Ellison
Gergana Ivanova Foster
- Most engaging online teaching (academic staff)
Tom Vine
?Nora Duckett
?Colin Winter
?Fandi Ibrahim
?Lindsey Scott
- Best Online/Community engagement (student, individual)
Camilla Bunn
Tom Riffel
Irina Carcia
Max Rennie
- Best student-led campaign/ project (student group)
Black History Month (Jay Chandler, Mauro Cardoso and the BAME Society)
LGBTQ+ History Month (LGBTQ+ Officer and LGBTQ+ Society)
- Most improved student group (student group)
Social Work Society (all committee members)
Person-Centred counselling L6Group -Laura woods, Natalie Clark, Vanessa Teixeira, Lorraine Cooke
- Volunteer of the Year (student, individual)
Jade Read
Tom Riffel
- Committee of the Year (student group)
LGBTQ+ Committee
Dance Committee
Wildlife committee
- Change maker (student, individual)
Darragh Briscomb
Judy Chandler
Megan Wright
- Campus Champion (student, individual)
Richard Williams
Alex Gooch
Hero of the Year (professional staff)
Has a member of the University and SU professional staff gone the extra mile to make your university experience the best it could be?
This award is for a staff member who has supported you outside of your studies. They might have helped you with a personal issue, a networking opportunity, they might have provided advice or have signposted you to a service/event.
This award is for a member of staff who was there for you when you needed this extra help to excel and to reach your goals.
If someone has been there for you in a challenging situation during lockdown, nominate them for the award of Hero of the Year and show them how appreciated they really are.
Most engaging online teaching (academic staff)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, our academic staff had to adopt to a blended teaching approach, involving online delivery of lectures and tutorials.
For many students, learning online brings extra challenges to staying motivated and focused. Our academic staff have gone above and beyond to engage students and make the blended learning a positive and fulfilling experience, achieving a high standard and top quality results.
If you have a lecturer or a tutor who have delivered their classes in an innovative and creative way, making blended learning enjoyable and satisfying, then they would be be the perfect candidate for this award.
Best Online/Community engagement (student, individual)
During these difficult times it has been harder to socialise and engage with students compared to the way we normally would do on campus. However, some students have carried on leading events for other students to engage and join in with. They have shown strong leadership skills, bringing the student community together. These students have engaged with peers online, supported them and provided opportunities for others to socialize and feel part of a community.
This awards is for an individual who has put efforts into community engagement by being an active student or a course rep/ society or sport member/ a volunteer.
If you know a student who has made an effort to engage and support others, nominate them for this award.
Best student-led campaign/ project (student group)
Student groups have always been a fundamental part of the Students' Union. Their student-led and democratic projects and campaigns bring a real change to the university.
This award is for a campaign or a project which was led by a student group (Student Council, Officer committee, Activities Committee, an officer and the students they represent, a society, sports team or any informal group of students)
The award will be given for one particular campaign/project which they have completed in the academic year 2020/21 (this can be a one off event/activity or a series of events/activities)
There are many successful projects and campaigns on our campus but if there is one that has stood out for you, then nominate the group responsible for it for this award.
Most improved student group (student group)
The University of Suffolk Students' Union is home to ambitious and talented societies and sport teams who all help engage students with university life.
This award is for a society/sports team/committee/ informal group which in the past year has worked really hard to develop and grow. Maybe they have started as a small society and have gradually engaged more students or they have expanded the range of events they offer.
If you know of a society/ sports team/committee/ informal group that has improved significantly in the last year and think they deserve to win this award, then nominate them now.
Volunteer of the Year (student, individual)
Is there a student who is always helping others, who gives up their own time to improve the life in their local community?
This award is for a student who volunteers their time either in an organized group OR by just being a helping friend to a fellow student.
This award aims to recognize a volunteer who contributes to the university community and beyond - this can be by volunteering in a local charity, helping out at a vaccination centre or being a supportive classmate helping with academic and social life.
Do you know a student who fits this description? They deserve to be acknowledged and appreciated. Nominate them now to win Volunteer of the year.
Committee of the Year (student group)
This award is for a sports or societies committee which provided great value to their members. Maybe the committee was a great support to the society members during the pandemic, checking up on them and offering advice and socializing opportunities. This award is for a committee which persevered, worked hard, adopted to the "new normal" and stayed active and engaged.
Change maker (student, individual)
Positive changes happen each year at the University, many of them inspired and led by our students - vending machines in the library, SHOP SU, the social space, celebrating Black history month and LGBTQ+ History month, creating new policies, making more green spaces to name just a few.
Behind these changes stand real change makers- University of Suffolk students. This award is for an individual who has made a real impact during their studies and has brought a change to a process, a system or a way of 'doing things'.
If you know of a student who is responsible for making positive change on campus,, they could be the perfect candidate for the Change Maker award.
Campus Champion (student, individual)
The University of Suffolk has established a number of partnerships both in the UK and internationally:
our campus in Ipswich and our partner colleges in
- University of Suffolk at East Coast College
- University of Suffolk at Suffolk New College
- West Suffolk College
Our partnerships in
- Global Banking School
- London School of Commerce
- Unicaf
and more
In each of these institutions, our students are shaping the University of Suffolk with their ideas and achievements. If you know a student who has a strong voice, someone who is active in student life and represents the interests of their campus/organization, nominate them for this award.
There can be several winners in this category (one champion per campus/partnership)