Board of Trustees

The Students' Union, like any charity, has a Board of Trustees that provide legal and financial oversight for the union, providing long-term stability. The Board meets five times a year and produces regular reports for Student Council and for our Annual General Meeting.
The Board is made up of the two elected full-time officers of the Students' Union, a further two student members (appointed by the rest of the Board) and four external members (appointed by the rest of the Board.) You find out about who your trustees are below, as well as the minutes of previous meetings of the Board of Trustees.
Our Board of Trustees
Katie PICKARD - Officer Trustee
Katie is the current President of Activities and Wellbeing at the SU. Her journey in this role started in July 2023, but her involvement with student life started much earlier, in 2020. Her passion for organising events and fostering a vibrant community led her to work as a communications and event assistant in the SU from January 2021 to May 2022, and later as a senior front-of-house member from May 2022 to May 2023. Additionally, she devoted my time and energy as the President of Netball from 2021 to 2023, promoting sportsmanship and team spirit.
Katie studied Early Years Primary Education and proudly graduated with a first-class degree. During her first year, she was a dedicated course representative, advocating for fellow students' needs.
lewis woolston - Officer Trustee
Lewis studied Sports Performance Analysis at the University of Suffolk, completing his degree in 2023. Throughout his time he worked as student-staff for the SU, working on the front of house desk and in the SU shop. As well as this, he spent a year on the men's football committee where he fulfilled the role of wellbeing officer, helping to plan events in collaboration with other sports teams.
Lewis was elected President of Education in the student elections that took place in March 2023. He's looking forward to helping to grow the SU in line with the university's plans for future growth, whilst ensuring that the SU is effectively providing the services that students require. His manifesto consisted of 3 main points related to his role, these are: ensuring student extenuating circumstances are met, refining and improving the personal academic coach system and, providing support to students looking for employment. He will also be working alongside Katie to deliver their joint manifesto point of increasing student engagement in the SU.

SAM Harris - External trustee/Chair of the Board
Deputy Director of NUS Charity, Sam, is our Chair of the Board of Trustees. She is a specialist in all things Students’ Union and we are specifically excited to be able to access her skills around organisational development, leadership, learning and development, and governance. As a Turnaround Board Member for the last year, Sam has helped us to transform from the ground up, and will be continuing to bring her experience of change management to ensure the long-term success of the Union.
Jessie Leong - External Trustee
Born and raised in Suffolk, Jessie has a keen interest for her local community. As the digital marketing manager for one of the UK's most recognised consumer brands, she's interested in using her knowledge of retail and commerce along with her passion for education and people in a meaningful way. In her spare time, she's a keen reader and novice runner.

craig osben - external TRUSTEE
Craig is a qualified accountant, who currently works as an audit assistant manager at a regional firm. Outside the world of finance, Craig is an avid runner, taking part in races across the country. His most notable achievement is getting the opportunity to run The London Marathon in 2021.
Kelly lambert - STUDENT TRUSTEE
A first-year PhD Psychology student investigating the aetiology of narcissistic personality disorder. Kelly is passionate about mental health and well-being. She applied for the role of Student Trustee to advocate for students to ensure that their time at the University of Suffolk is inclusive, accessible, safe and enjoyable: academically, socially, and culturally for all.
tyler payne - student trustee
Tyler is a Security Software Engineer Apprentice at BT studying with the University of Suffolk, in year 2 of his course, and has also been the Course Rep for his group since he began.
His work is largely based in upkeeping critical national infrastructure, and he spends lots of his free time experimenting with DnD and creative outlets of all sorts, as well as lots of social events.
Tyler joined the Student Union as a Trustee to gain a better insight into how to improve the University life for students of all kinds, to provide some unique perspective from the point of view of an apprentice, and to act as a branch of communication to several portions of the University from differing angles.
Minutes of past board meetings