2024 SU Awards - A Night to Remember!

23/05/2024 - The University of Suffolk Students' Union celebrated a fantastic annual awards night on May 10, 2024, honouring the amazing achievements and contributions of its students, faculty, and staff. Held at the beautiful A Listers at Aurora building on the Waterfront, the evening brought together a lively crowd excited to recognise the successes within the academic community

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The University of Suffolk Students' Union celebrated a fantastic annual awards night on May 10, 2024, honouring the amazing achievements and contributions of its students, faculty, and staff. Held at the beautiful A Listers at Aurora building on the Waterfront, the evening brought together a lively crowd excited to recognise the successes within the academic community.presidents katie and lewis smiling at a lecturn

The night began with a warm and enthusiastic welcome from the student presidents, Katie Pickard ( President of Activities & Wellbeing) and Lewis Woolston (President of Education). They praised the dedication and hard work of everyone who has helped make the university a place of excellence, with the highlight of the evening being the presentation of various awards, including the momentus awards for Outstanding Contibution, beginning with a staff member who received the Staff Outstanding Contribution Award, sponsored by Paddy & Scotts. This award celebrated those who consistently go above and beyond to positively influence the university's operations and enrich students' lives. Winner of the £50 Paddy & Scotts gift voucher was esteemed professor, Dr Alina Rzepnikowska Philips, who received her win for the following nomination:

She has been especially supportive and considerate of my position as a student who has had to overcome cultural hurdles in order to progress as a student at UoS. Alina has gone out of her way to source information, direct me to classes, and made all relevant classes available to me. Alina has been able to identify issues relating to lack of cultural resources, and is always at hand to offer assistance wherever and whenever needed.

After cheers and applause filled the room, attention turned to the prestigious Student Outstanding Contribution Award, sponsored by Wagamamas, which went to a student who not only excelled academically but also made a big impact on campus life through leadership, volunteer work, and community engagement - and up for grabs was a £100 gift voucher for Wagamamas. Student & Part-Time Officer Sam Clarke took home this title, nominated and voted for by fellow students, receiving the following nomination:

If you ask anyone here at UoS, who has gone above and beyond for this uni, I think most people would say Sam Clarke. I have never met someone who cares so much about the uni experience then Sam. They put so much of their own time into planning and running events here and always strives to be inclusive with everything they do. Sam attends every single meeting possible and is always the first person to stand up for students. As well as completing her course and working part time, she is always up for helping out and you may have even caught her zooming around dressed as where's wally. She never lets anything stop her and she is a great advocate for students with disabilities. Sam really is superwomen.

guests sitting down at an awards ceremonyOne of the best parts of the night was hearing from the award recipients themselves. They shared their personal journeys and inspiring stories, showing how important unity and collaboration are in creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

In addition to individual awards, team awards were given to various departments and student organisations that showed exceptional teamwork and accomplishments throughout the academic year. These awards highlighted the incredible things that can be achieved when people work together. Wed'd like to thank our sponsors for the following awards:

Society of the year - Woodward Markwell Financial Adviserswinners on the stage collecting their award

Sports Club of the year - Seckford Golf Club

Sportsperson of the year - Forge Kitchen

Inclusivity Champion of the year - Geek Retreat Ipswich

The evening also included a delicious two-course dinner, free for all nominees and their guests. This gave everyone a chance to relax, mingle, and celebrate their achievements together. Students, faculty, and staff shared inspirational stories and made new connections, strengthening the sense of community on campus. To conclude the celebrations, everyone gathered for the free after party, downstairs at A Listers for a DJ, karaoke, and a photo booth!

The Student and Staff Awards Night was a wonderful reminder of the importance of recognising and appreciating excellence, dedication, and community spirit. As the night came to an end, President of Eduation, Lewis Woolston, delivered a heartfelt closing address. He expressed his immense pride in the achievements of the awardees and the university as a whole, encouraging everyone to continue striving for greatness. For a full list of winners, visit our Awards Night Winners page.two students siling in front of a gold sparkle backdrop
