Award Winning Cost-of-Living Campaign

02/06/2023 - Alex Gooch and Vice Chancellor working together to tackle cost-of-living crisis for students at the University of Suffolk

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In a groundbreaking move last year to tackle the pressing issue of the cost-of-living crisis for students, your elected President of Education, Alex Gooch, and the Vice-Chancellor, worked in collaboration with the University of Suffolk to launch an innovative campaign aimed at easing financial burdens and ensuring a more comfortable academic journey for its students. The university's commitment to addressing this challenge highlights its dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment.


 Alex campaigned tirelessly to ensure that as the cost of living crisis escalated, more was being done to help students. Working in collaboration with University of Suffolk, he identified and developed the key initiatives that the Cost of Living campaign would focus on in order to support UOS students during this difficult time.


Supported by the SU team, Alex secured and delivered massive wins that provided unprecedented support, such as free parking for 6 months for UOS students and staff starting from November 1st 2022, which was so successful it was extended until the end of the academic year, until August 31st 2023.


Working with students and gathering feedback, he also introduced free hot drinks, free daily lunch bags, an emergency food parcel system through the SU Advice service, extra facilities such as a microwave and boiler tap for onsite food preparation, and free weekly breakfast and dinner clubs that not only gave students meals but also created a community and safe space for students to come together during the difficult time. He also introduced free period products that were found to be so beneficial to students that it has now become an extended project with our Womens' Officer to provide free products all year round.


We are so proud of President Alex Gooch for picking up the award for Campaign of the Year, sponsored by PLMR Genesis, in our recent student choice Student and Staff Awards night 2023.


Alex says: "I'm so grateful for this win and to be recognised for the work that has gone into the Cost of Living Campaign. I'm so happy that this campaign was able to support as many students as it has whether it be a small relief of a free tea, to enabling students to continue their studies and still be fed. A massive thank you to our student volunteers, the feedback students provided throughout the year and also to the SU team in all they have done for this campaign. Thank you also to PLMR Genesis for sponsoring this award and ensuring that we can continue to recognise and celebrate excellence within the student community here at UOS."
