President of Education

Hi, I'm Lewis the President of Education here UOS SU. I have been at UOS since 2020 and studied Sports Performance Analysis. Throughout my second and third year I was able to get heavily involved in the SU in a variety of ways.
In September 2021 I joined the team as a student-staff member in front of house, where I worked on the front of house desk and in ShopSU ensuring that students were able to access the SU services that they required. In second year, I continued this role and took on the role of wellbeing officer for the men's football team which enabled me to become even more involved in SU before I decided to run for election later in the year. Outside of SU life I really enjoy taking part and watching sports. Music is also a big passion of mine; I regularly go to concerts.
My manifesto points for this year are:
extenuating circumstances
Improve the system in place for students who experience an unforeseen circumstance
Multiple students have said to me how they feel that extension periods are too short. I would love to be able to fix this and ensure that all students who experience an extenuating circumstance are given the correct amount of time to complete their work to the best of their ability!
personal academic coach
Make the system more accessible through monthly check ups and online forms
The personal academic coach system is one which provides students with the opportunity to get 1 to 1 support from their tutors. However, many have expereinced difficulties and found flaws in this system. Therefore I will aim to work with the university to improve this system by making coaches more accesible for students through the likes of monthly check ups and online forms.
employment opportunities
Increase postgraduate employment support and part time employment opportunities for current students
Jobs can be considered a vital part of attending university, whether this is the post graduation employment you go into, or the job you have whilst at university. As a result of this I will work my hardest to collaborate with businesses that can provide students with employment throughout their university experience.
Promote student engagement
By supporting Officers, Committees and Course Reps
Katie and I wish to promote student engagement and awareness within the SU. This means we would increase the number of student led initiatives, events and societies by supporting Officers, Course Reps and Committees. We would also make use of course specific students for SU events such as Event students and Photography students. Why should we use external photographers when we have our own students who would be amazing at the job?