The National Union of Students (NUS) is a national union that represents hundreds of different Students' Unions from universities and colleges across the country (including the University of Suffolk Students' Union). It works to tackle national issues that affect students. You can find out more about NUS on their website.
National Conference
Each year the National Union of Students (NUS) holds its annual conference where Students' Unions across the country come together to discuss and vote on ideas to improve the student experience at a national level.
Your NUS Delegates will represent the views of University of Suffolk students at the conference.
We hold elections to fill our delegation of NUS Delegates every year. We have 5 delegates (4 elected and one position which is automatically filled by an SU President).
NUS require our delegation to be gender-balanced so at least two of the positions must be filled by self defining women. If you have any questions about this please contact
Your NUS Delegates are:
Katie-Ann Smith
Katie Pickard
Ella Macartney
Lauren Searle
and Lewis Woolston