Student Council and AGM

Student Council is the main decision-making body of the Students’ Union. It has the power to make and review policy, ensuring the Union works to reflect the values and beliefs of the student body. Motions and policies passed by Student Council shape the way in which the Union, and the Elected Officers, operate. Any student can attend Council, but only elected representatives and officers can vote.
The Annual General Meeting happens once a year, during term time. It is one of the most important events in the SU calendar, where all students are invited and encouraged to attend. Here, you will have the opportunity to scrutinise the work of Elected Officers, see how decision-making has impacted you, ask questions, suggest improvements (called a ‘motion’), and challenge any decisions.
Information about the meetings
Student Council meets approximately five times per year.
Standard Council business will include a report from both Sabbatical Officers (President of Education; President of Activities and Wellbeing), with opportunities to ask questions, holding them to account. You will also be able to vote on any motions which have been submitted - these will be shared with ahead of the meeting.
Dates for the diary 24/25 - Student Council & AGM
Monday 25th November 5-6pm
Monday 25th January 5-6pm
Monday 24th February Time TBC
Monday 24th March 5-6pm
Monday 12th May 5-6pm
How does voting work?
At least 20 voting members must be present for a vote to reach quoracy.
When a motion is presented at council, you will have the opportunity to vote 'for', 'against', or 'abstain'. If you are attending Student Council in person, you can vote by raising your hand when the chair instructs so. If joining online, you can cast your vote by a virtual show of hands, or writing your response in the chat box. The chair will then count all votes, concluding the motion in question.
Submitting a Motion
These motions become binding for the Students' Union - it means as an SU we will commit to achieiving what the motion sets out if Council votes in favour of it.You can submit a motion to Council/AGM using the form below. Motions must be submitted 10 days before the upcoming Council Meeting.
If you need any support or clarification writing a motion, please email us at: