Business School Course Rep Elections

Course reps represent the academic interests of students on their course, working with their course teams to work on feedback from their coursemates. FInd out a full description for the role here.
Voing is now open - vote below!
Business School Course Rep Elections
Nominations open on September 20th, 9am!
No one standing to be a rep for your course? It could be you! Drop an email to find out more
Standing to be a rep?
Check out the candidate hanbook here - this has all the rules and regs you'll need to follow and some tips on running. Additional rulings on various things such as campaigning in closed social media groups and Brightspace can be found here - these rulings are binding on candidates, as are the rules in the candidate handbook.
You can also see additional tips on running an election on the candidate page here.
Questions? Drop an email.