Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:
Why are we having elections?
As a Students' Union, we are a democratic organisation, run for and by students, so it's really important we have students in officer and rep roles leading us, and students voting on who these officers and reps should be. This is what our elections are all about - students discussing what the priorities should be as a Union, on your course and in your halls, how we should runs things and how we should tackle key issues, and choosing their officer team and their reps based off this
How do I get Involved?
Nominations open for all roles on Wednesday 30th October 10am and close on Monday 11th November at 10am. Not interested in running but still want to get involved? Voting for these roles will be between Monday 11th November at 5pm until Friday 15th November at 10am.
I'm having issues nominating myself, what should I do?
If you're struggling to nominate yourself for a role, make sure first of all you're logged in by hitting the yellow button in the top right of the page.
Then you'll need to make sure you're trying to nominate for a role you're eligible to - namely that you are actually part of that school, campus or identify as part of that liberation group if running for an officer role (you can select your self-identification groups here:
If none of that has worked, please email and we'll be able to help!
How do I make an elections complaint?
There are rules that govern how our elections run to make sure they are fair and accessible to all students. All candidates and their teams that run in these elections are bound by these rules. You can find a copy of these rules on our website.
If, whether as another candidate or as a student, you see anything you think might be breaking the rules or that isn't fair, you can report this to our Deputy Returning Officer, Lindsay Westgarth, who is in charge of the elections. You can contact her at
Something you'd like to ask about elections that isn't covered on the rest of this page? Just drop an email and we'll get back to you asap!