Rules for this Election

Rules Governing these Elections:
1) All candidates must abide by the Students’ Union’s policies and procedures including the Equality & Diversity Policy which is available from the Students’ Union website and by request from the Deputy Returning Officer.
2) All publicity material shall be approved by the Student Voice Team prior to use to ensure it adheres to SU policy. Publicity material will not be approved if it:
- Refers negatively to any individual Students’ Union member or staff member (past or present) by name
- Contains factual inaccuracies
- Contains opinion expressed as fact
- Advocates discrimination
- May be prejudicial to the fair running of the elections.
- Campaigning as a team is permitted
3) Candidates must take reasonable steps to ensure that their supporters’ actions comply with the election rules at all times and must be able to demonstrate this in the event of a complaint against them.
4) Bribes or inducements may not be offered in any form to any person. If in doubt speak to the Student Voice Team.
5) All candidates and campaigners are responsible for ensuring that in any area they are campaigning that there is freedom of access for any student who needs it and that doors, stairwells and passage ways are not blocked or made difficult to pass through.
6) All candidates and their election agents should attend one of the Candidate’s Briefings. Candidates may request a meeting with the Student Voice Team if they cannot attend either briefing.
7) Candidates should attend any further meetings called by the Student Voice Team during the course of the campaign or make alternative arrangements to meet with them.
8) Candidates should, at all times, act as directed by staff and raise any concerns directly with the Deputy Returning Officer.
1) No campaigning of any sort should be done outside of the schedule. Campaigning starts on Tuesday 5th March 2024, after Candidate Briefing.
2) Candidates for for part-time roles are entitled to a £25 budget, which will be reimbursed by the SU but MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED. This will need to include the costs of printing.
3) All candidates may make use of social networking websites such as Facebook, Instagram and X. Paid digital promotion within the budget is permitted.
4) No campaigning may take place in the Library or Students’ Union Offices. Campaigning may take place in the Social space.
5) Candidates must not campaign in lectures without permission from the lecturer, and must not cause disruption to lectures.
6) Candidates and campaign teams may only alter, move or remove their own campaign publicity.
7) Any social media pages will be monitored by SU staff.
8) Once a student has begun the process of voting, no candidate or campaigner should make any attempt to speak to them or to influence or interfere with their decision in any way. For the avoidance of doubt – “helping” a voter or “showing them how to vote” will be regarded a breach of the rules. If a voter needs assistance with voting then campaigners should refer them to SU staff or to the Deputy Returning Officer.
9) You are prohibited from spending your budget on alcohol. A full list of all governance around elections can be found in bye-law 1, found here:
1) Any complaints regarding the conduct of any candidate or campaigner should be made to the Deputy Returning Officer in writing or by email to
2) No complaints will be accepted more than one hour after the close of polls.
3) Complaints will be dealt with at the discretion of the Deputy Returning Officer. If candidates are in any doubt the interpretation of these rules they should ask the Deputy Returning Officer for clarification.
Breaching the rules:
In an event of a rules breach, the Deputy Returning Officer will deliberate and decide on one of the following consequences which will be imposed on the candidate:
1) Removal of publicity material in question (for example a poster or a social media post)
2) A ban on campaigning for specific time period
4) Removal of the individual's candidacy
5) A proven malicious / false complaint from a candidate (or their campaigner) will be treated as a breach of election conduct.